Sun 26 Jan
Want Out of the Life? We Can Help. 1-800-551-1300
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
Want Out of the Life? We Can Help. 1-800-551-1300
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
TS MIMI 100% real photos BACK HOME COME AND PLAY ..... (1347)609-7050 - 24
ts sexxy michelle shemale lady boy visiting from miami 2days only??? loves first timers 305-834-2736 - 23
(Westchester, white plains / westchester)
The Best ultímate Real Big Uncut TS Sasha Available now call 646-707-4678 - 28
(Queens, Roosevelt ave. 62st)
Stuning hispanic transexual 347 641 1331 HOSTNG IN THE BRONX - 22
(Westchester, 225st white plains road)
WHOOAA!!! Super Sexy NEW ts in LA's BOOM-ing Body + *10 Fully Fuctional* POW!! \\ PARTY GIRL\\ JUMBo - 21
(Westchester, Elmsford/TarryTOWN - i love too party)
💯 REAL AD💯 REAL PHOTOS ——► NO CHEAPO'S! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Service! TS 2O3-2O2-4O89 Ⓢ Ⓔ ⓧ ⓨ Hung Almost '10 - 22
(Bronx, ■ West Burnside/Sedgwick/W179 exit 8 ■$1)
M A S T E R | O F | E R O T I C I S M 💋TS RoxxY (((((NO BAIT n SWITCH))))) T H E 🐔 O F YoUr DrEaM - 25
(Westchester, White Plains)
Your Lifesized "DREAM DOLL DRAYA" 💦💗 here to fulfill your desires ❣💎 Stunning 100% real photos - 21
(241st Wakefield/Mt Vernon, Westchester)
Ts Rossy visiting WESTCHESTER AREA .... Only for TWO DAYS ..... - 24
Ts Aaliyah Back by popular demand ! 100% Real recent photos Dont miss out ! - 22
(Westchester, tukahoe rd)
Stunning Model and Exotic Dancer 3476411331 hosting in the bronx - 22
(Westchester, 225st white plains road)
♥ Temptation FULFILLED ♥ All REAL PHoToS Ts Belen ESTRADA So INDULGE In ME! !!!!! - 22
(Westchester, stamford in/out hung shemale)
Sexy Gillian sweets hosting alone 100,000 % real bring photo to compare 😘😘😘 no texting ! - 25
(Westchester, Yonkers / 347-213-0957 outscalls only !)
(( *ExTrEmElY * )) ——*HOTT* ——(( *KiLLeR BoDy!* )) ——(( *REAL PICS* )) ——(( *SAFE & DiSCREET - 24
(Westchester, White Plains)
💦💋ATTENTION💦Can u💦Bite my Butt💦😈 Daddy💦Certified Exquisite🐝💯💅 Beauty Ts Montana Galore 💦 😜 ✰ - 22
(Elmsford/tarrytown, Westchester)
💯NOT A FAKE 💛PRETTY WHITE TS and Real 🍭Read my link A Real Southern Beauty 💥incall-BRONX ✔️ & 💯SAFE💯 - 24
(BXBLVD&213th INCALL 💋💙Safe🍭🍭👍👍ALONEℜ, Westchester)
HUNG versatile Ts genesis Hot kinky massage available in private upscale - 19
(Westchester, elmsford)
💋 H u N g 💋 ❤ 👠 ❤💄❤ ExOtiC 👄 Ts Alyssa New Incall/Outcall 🌟5 STAR Service🌟 - 21
(Westchester, TARRYTOWN NY)
Monica *NY's premiere Starlet!* In Midtown West! - 21
(Bronx, Manhattan, MIDTOWN WEST west 46st, Other, Queens, Westchester)
New in town!!! Ciara Luxury! This is my first time in NYC!!!of pleasure! Real photos! - 22
Looking For Something New? Want To Meet A Sparkling Personality For A Slow Gentle Introduction? - 25
(Westchester, Inl: Westchester: Out: New York, Conn.)
!EXOTIC TS India here in YONKERS 1000% Real Photos Better in person!! 914-338-2425 - 25
(Westchester, Yonkers Southbroadway Mclean Area)
Back in townBring out the New Year with Goddess TS Gisselle westchesters finest - 26
(Westchester, Peekskill)
Arrival From South Florida: Incalls in Westchester, Outcalls to Westchester, Manhattan, - 25
(Westchester, Outcalls to You or Westchester Incall)
NYC ** NEWEST and Sexiest T-Girl COMPANION ULTIMATE ( Im all yous) PARTY TIME!! - 22
Sun 12 Jan
BACK ON POPULAR REQUEST Gorgeous TS Gisselle italian* Puerto rican Goddess best of both worlds - 25
(Westchester, peekskill / IN /OUT CALLS)
Back in town Bring out the New Year with Goddess TS Gisselle westchesters finest - 26
(Westchester, Peekskill)
Sat 11 Jan
L£T Me💦R🆔E💦Your D🍌 orHit Me🆙From The Back💦F🅰CE DOWN👼 A** UP🍑🍑OCEAN W£T🌊I ♥️ 2💣ᎶᎾ ℕ⛎Ꮖℤ💦 - 24
(- NANUET-route 59, Westchester)
*****GORGEOUS & SO VERY VERY HUNGGGGG (HONESTLY) 10.5"***** Exotic Beauty Eboni Ts - 23
(Westchester, *D A N B U R Y,CT)
I-—A—M—— T—H —E—— G—I—R —L——A—L —L —— G—U—Y—S —— W—A—N—T - 21
(Westchester, Tarrytown / Westchester Area)
💏!EXOTIC TS India here in !!Yonkers!!1000% Real Photos Better in person!! 💞👍👍🍌💆 - 25
(Westchester, Yonkers southbroadway mclean area)
----- Hot Latina Ts and Her Real Female Friends ..... ...... SPecials ...... ....... 2Girls Special - 21
IM BACK!!!! {Back In Town} TS GISSELLE !!! the real beauty you've all been waiting for - 24
(Westchester, Peekskill/Whiteplains)
>> Back by popular demand.. a Colombian Treat TS Natalie.. for all your guilty pleasures.**
Briefly visiting WhitePlains ... Exotic and sexy Miss Samantha ... Fit and Ready .. Hosting NOW! - 22
(White Plains/Westchester)
BACK ON POPULAR REQUEST last night here TS Gisselle italian* Puerto rican Goddess - 25
(Westchester, peekskill / IN /OUT CALLS)
*+*+*+*+*+*+* ELeGance + DoMiNaNCe + PaSSioN= Ms.LiSa LuXuRY *+*+*+*+*+*+* - 23
(Westchester, TarrYTowN ELmsFoRD InCaLLs)
exotic Outstanding latina 3476411331 UPDATE pic and vid on my tumblr blog - 21
(Westchester, WHITE PLAINS ROAD and 226 st)
👑Just Arrived💕 Young sweet and Delicious Pleasure💕 Freaky TS Mariana Hung 9"Pleasure 👑👑 - 26
(Westchester, White plains)
Mouth watering .... hard like a nickel thick like a pickle juicy like a popsicle - 22
(Bronx, Westchester)
Fri 10 Jan
✨🍆🏆SO LETS SEE Who Can Be The BIGGEST-SᒪᑌT? 👑🐝LETS PLAY🔥💕😍Sexy Babydoll TS😋🈹🍆💦9FF ᒪᗩᖇGE & Iᑎ ᑕᕼᗩᖇGE🏆 - 21
(Bronx, Manhattan, New Jersey, Westchester, 💕Incallsss❤️)
LAST DAY VISITING SPRING VALLEY NY TS JULISSA are u ready 4 wild time call me now love kisses - 29
(SPRING VALLEY NY last day & night, Westchester)
°o♥o° JÂW CLNCH¡NG >TÕ CUrL¡NG > §P¡N T¡NGL¡NG §PCHL§§ xPR¡NC! °o♥o° - 22
(Westchester, BRONX,NY)
Sparkling Personality, Slow Gentle Introductions. Beautiful, Passable, Fully - 25
(Westchester, Incall: Westchester: Outcall: New York)
♡MIND BL OW ING♡ AllNatural✔ 100%Real✔ Avail247✔ 3474784024 FreakyNasty♥ Colombian Brazilian TS♥ - 19
(Westchester, North Bronx | Private apt | Be)
✨🍆🏆SO LETS SEE Who Can Be The BIGGEST-SᒪᑌT? 👑🐝LETS PLAY🔥💕😍Sexy Babydoll TS😋🈹🍆💦9FF ᒪᗩᖇGE & Iᑎ ᑕᕼᗩᖇGE🏆 - 21
(Bronx, Long Island, Manhattan, Westchester, 📍NYC outcalls😍pick me up🍓or send uber🚗 🚖)
✨Itty Bitty✨HONEY🍯 DIPPED✨Beauty, BOW-DOWN✨2 Your 👅💦GODDESS👑 💋ts CLAIRE💋 - 21
(Bronx, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Westchester, 📍OUTCALLS ! 💋Pick Me Up Or Send Uber🚗 🚖)
💗 ——B—e— A—u—T—i—F—u—L—— ♥ ——E—x—O—t—i—c—— ♥ ——P—L—a—Y —m —a—T—e ——💗 jus arrived ts MiMi Lu ❤ - 19
(Westchester, Rye bro0k/Rye town)
Columbian Sensation Visiting Briefly ... and fit ...Here till Wensday ... XOXoxoxoxo - 22
💏!EXOTIC TS India here in YONKERS 1000% Real Photos Better in person!! 💞👍👍🍌💆 - 25
(Westchester, Yonkers Southbroadway Mclean Area)
FReaKy • NaStY • SkiiLLed ♥ Colombian Brazilian Babydoll *Avail24/7* ♥ BadGirl needs to be Punished - 19
(Westchester, North Bronx | All Major highways)
LOok!ng 4 thE MAin At+racTION ?? Well CalL On ME T.S ASHLEY THe BombSheLL BEAuty IM READY...ARe U??? - 22
(Westchester, ELMSFORD)
::**:: 420 Special Hit me Up NOw.... VERY SEXY!!!.... VERY OPEN MINDED! ......& !!! - 22
💦💋ATTENTION💦Can u💦Bite my Butt💦😈 Daddy💦Certified Exquisite🐝💯💅 Beauty Ts Montana Galore 💦 😜 ✰ - 21
(Elmsford/westchester new girl, Westchester)
❤~~~~Forget_ This fakes and ❤ &❤ _Try_ The_ Best~~~~~❤ TS Cherry white plains - 23
(Westchester, White plains)
!EXOTIC TS India here in YONKERS 1000% Real Photos Better in person!! - 25
(Westchester, Yonkers Southbroadway Mclean Area)
🅰Lyy]►❶Juⓢⓣ🇨🅰🇳"🇹👎STOP 🇨💋🇲ING►❶★►NEW][►1OO% 🇲🇪 ]•(🇨uTiE w/ CuRVES)•*►❶SEXXY BiG BOOTY - 26 (►NEW►🇭🇴🇹❤S - 26
(Westchester, White Plains)
100% real pics🔥🔥🔥H O T BABE A L E R T🔥🔥 Only in town for a couple days don't miss out!! 🍆🍑🍆🍑🍈🍈🍆 - 23
(Westchester, Westchester white plains)
Thu 09 Jan